Why Blogger, Not Youtube?


Hello, lemme explain why I posted Blogger not Youtube?

Q : "Dude, you have good laptop now, good skill in cinematic but why u don't create video in Youtube than making content in blog?"

I like making content like this, doesn't matter for viewers who watching this. I just wanna being enjoyed. Making 1 video need good preparation ; location, equipment, script, and anything for support video. Actually I love it, but as disability it's hard and takes time for me

Q : "Dude, Youtube doesn't need perfect preparation. Why you so obsessed to making?"

I wanna give the best for my presentation. So, please this is my business. I don't care about incoming as content creator. Being enjoy as what do you love for your passion

Blogging isn't bad. It useful when you are an introvert and sometime need long topic than you sent it by Twitter, Facebook. I think Blogger can still exist, as far viewers were satisfied for your content.

Anything for discuss? I think enough, if you have any topics kindly you can text/comment below.

